4 Golden rules to follow while creating your first survey

Created the best possible survey with some amazing questions and answer options? It happens often that you may find yourself in a situation where you have created a really well though survey with various questions, answers and options making it very useful for your organisation.
But you also need to accommodate the fact that a survey participant may not want to answer so many questions or he or she may find your answer options limited.
Here are some tips and tricks to make your survey more successful:
- Limit your questionnaire to important questions: Don’t go overboard with asking too many questions or wanting to know everything about your participant at once.
- Be Objective: Ask only the questions which are relevant to your Questionnaire.
- Give Simple Answer Options: When asking for information, its always a good idea to use a Multiple Choice Type Or Single Choice Type Question. People prefer selecting rather than writing what they want in detail.
- Gamify: With Survtapp, you can add a custom thank you message at the end of every successful questionnaire. You can use this tool to show special offers, promo codes or discounts to reward survey participants.
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