6 Market Research Questions to Ask Customers

In an endeavour to realise your target audience’s opinion, preference or experience with a particular product, service, personality or any other recordable incident, it is imperative to be able to assess the source, purpose and angle of the opinion maker. Here is a convenient list of the Top 6 Market Research Questions to Ask Customers as part of any web or mobile survey activity.
- Who are you? : The survey participants identity is key to find the correct and incorrect target audience. Every attribute of the participant including Age, Gender, Geo-Location, Profession, Purpose, etc will help you unlock answers to your target audience’s persona, habits, orientation and more.
- Where are you from? : An individual’s location helps you identify and track trends and further add to statistical data and build patterns of audience geo-location density and targeting.
- Have your Experienced the Product or Service? : It’s important to understand if the person answering a market research survey actually has any first hand experience with the product, service or person or is simply giving his or her opinion without actually being a user or influencer.
- Did you get what you expected? : Ask if the user got more, less or exactly of what he expected to place his data in order of your market research campaign. This helps the market research company create a wholistic view of where this person’s value adds to the overall analysis.
- How did you hear about us? : Learn where and how has he become aware of the subject of the market research study. This will ensure you cover various channels of communication, some of which may be unknown, before the study to help you assess channels that work from the ones that don’t.
- One thing you’d like to see? : An optimistic or pessimistic opinion leader will reveal what he expects from the subject of the market research – evidently creating a general consensus of the overall survey carried out of one or more area and directions for the subject to improve on.
One can create innovative questions if you’re using a Market Research Survey App to conduct a survey keeping in mind the aditional mobile friendly questions, media and geo-location abilities of capturing data from mobile devices.